TM 5-5420-278-24&P0018 000018 00-8Table 1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Ramp Bay (Contd).ITEM TOITEMCHECK/EQUIPMENT NOTNO.INTERVALSERVICEPROCEDUREREADY/AVAILABLE IF:321NOTE Perform items 10 through 28from ground, starting at front oframp bay, proceedingcounterclockwise.10Semi-Ramp bayannuallyUnload ramp bay to ground. (Refer to TM 5-5420-278-10.)11Semi-Right foldlock annuallyassembly (1) and brackets (2)Inspect right foldlock assembly forstructural damage and proper movement.Damage preventsfoldlock fromsecuring ponton.12Semi-Right front annuallyouter ponton end skin surface (3)a. Inspect surface area for punctures,holes, tears, seam ruptures, cracks, andbroken welds.b. Inspect seams for cracked or brokenwelds.a. Damage whichcumulatively addsup to a holeapproximately .26 in. (.66 cm) indiameter (the size ofa typical pen orpencil).b. Cracked orbroken welds noted.
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