Check A-frame fold cylinder mounting points to ensure pins are in place and
122. Insert the A-frame pins in the transportation position.
Press and hold the A-frame FOLD PARK button on the interface enclosure
until all cylinder movement stops. Insert Pins.
Check the fixing of the A-frame hinge locking plate. Rotate to align and
insert pins. Report defect to maintenance at next opportunity,
Check for free play at the A-frame fold hinge. Report defect to maintenance.
123. Strap the crane spreader pads and step ladder to tail lift.
124. Stow the tail lift to transportation position.
125. Strap the tail lift.
If the strap will not hook, check the safety latch for deformation. Replace
defective transport strap.
126. Stow the tail lift pendant.
Check the MIL connector for deformation/damage.
Report damage to
127. Add removable mudguards.
Ensure that the correct side mudguard is being fitted. Note they are handed.
Ensure that the lower A-frame shootbolt is fully retracted.
Check for any deformation of removable mudguard. Report defect to
Check for security of the fixed mudguards. Report defect to maintenance.
Ensure that the launcher is fully folded and rotated, and that all transport
pins are fitted correctly.