TM 55-1945-205-10-20114 00 220114 0013 Before .2 Stanchions and LifeRings1. Check life rings for damage. Ifdamage is found that would preventproper operation of life rings,contact unit maintenance.2. Check life ring strobes forproper operation. If strobes do notoperate, contact unit maintenance.3. Inspect life ring stanchions forbroken welds, missing or brokenbolts and broken connectors. Ifbroken welds or broken connectorsare found or bolts are broken ormissing, contact unit maintenance.14 Before .1 Deck FittingsInspect deck fittings for corrosion,breakage or missing parts. Ifcorrosion or breakage is found orparts are missing, contact unitmaintenance.Any damage todeck fittings isfound that wouldaffect operation.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services. (Continued)ITEMNO.INTERVALMAN-HOURSITEM TO BECHECKED ORSERVICEDPROCEDUREEQUIPMENTNOT READY/AVAILABLE IF:
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