TM 55-1945-205-10-20114 00 270114 0016 During .5 Flexors 1. 1nspect visible portions ofinstalled flexors for separation ofthe polyurethane material in thecenter. If found, the flexor must bereplaced after the exercise oroperation is completed.Separation of thepolyurethanematerial in thecenter of the flexoris found.2. Inspect visible portions ofinstalled flexors for cracks in theexternal weldments on the ends. Iffound, the flexor must be replacedimmediately.Cracks arediscovered in theexternal weldmentson the ends of theflexor.1 After 1.0 Light Tower 1. Wash the exterior of the lighttower with water and a mild soap.2. Prior to cleaning the engine andgenerator, cover the air cleanerintake, generator air intake, exhaustopening, the rear of the controlpanel box, the generator outputelectrical connection box and thebattery charging alternator withplastic and seal with tape.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services. (Continued)ITEMNO.INTERVALMAN-HOURSITEM TO BECHECKED ORSERVICEDPROCEDUREEQUIPMENTNOT READY/AVAILABLE IF:POLYURETHANE SECTIONMETAL ENDMETAL END
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