TM 55-1945-205-10-20114 00 300114 00WARNING2 After .2 Light Tower Engine(Cont’d)2. Check for oil leaks. If oil leaksare found, contact unit maintenance.Class III oil leakageis found.a. Verify that it registers FULLon the dipstick. Engine must becool when reading level. If hot,allow to cool for 20 minutes. Ifnecessary, add Lubricating Oil,Internal Combustion Engine,Grade 15W40 to achieve desiredlevel. DO NOT OVERFILL.b. Make a visual inspection foroil leaks around the filters andthe external oil lines. If foundcontact unit maintenance.Class III oil leakageis found.3. Check for damage that may haveoccurred during operation. Ifdamage is found, contact unitmaintenance.3 After .4 Generator Container 1. Check exterior of containerfor damage. If damage is found,contact unit maintenance.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services. (Continued)ITEMNO.INTERVALMAN-HOURSITEM TO BECHECKED ORSERVICEDPROCEDUREEQUIPMENTNOT READY/AVAILABLE IF:AA: ENGINE OIL LEVEL WITHINTHIS RANGE IS PROPER1. OIL LEVEL GAUGE1
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