TM 55-1945-205-10-20007 00 70007 008 SCAN Key Starts scanning programmed channels. Press key for at least onesecond to turn on and off priority scan during scan.9 MEM Key Memorizes the selected channel. When pressed again, deletes theselected channel.10 A/B Key Immediately recalls two user assigned channels from anychannel location.11 H/L Key Toggles between high and low power. To change from low powerto high power, hold down key on Canada channel 13, USAchannel 13 or 67.12 LAMP/KEY LOCK Key Turns the display lamp on and off. Hold down key to lock thedisplayed channel. Key symbol appears in display. Hold downuntil key symbol in display disappears to unlock.Table 3. VHF Handheld Transceiver Operator Controls and Indicators. (Continued)KEY CONTROL/INDICATOR FUNCTION
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