TM 5-5420-202-34
FINAL DRIVE REPAIR (Sheet 4 of 30)
Late model final drive has different type
adapter (E).
Using fingers, remove adapter(E) from pinion
gear (F).
Using pliers, cut and remove lockwire from
eight screws (G).
Using 3/4 inch socket, hinged bar, and
extension with 1/2 inch drive, remove eight
screws (G).
10. Using fingers, install three screws (use screws
(G)) in bearing cap (H) holes (use screws (G) as
11. Using 3/4 inch socket, tighten three screws (G)
evenly to remove bearing cap (H) and gasket
12. Using 3/4 inch socket, remove three screws (G) from
bearing cap (H).
13. Throw gasket (J) away.
14. Using hammer and drift, remove oil seal
(K) from bearing cap (H). Throw seal (K)
For ease of handling, install fabri-
cated lifting attachments on studs
as required.
15. Use suitable lifting device, position final drive
to gain access to opposite side.
Go on to Sheet 5
7-4 Change 2