TM 5-5420-202-34
Slide sleeve assembly (A) over shaft assembly (B) as far as it will go.
Using 7/16 inch wrench to hold two jamnuts (C), use allen wrench to install two setscrews
(D) through jamnuts (C) into sleeve (A) until screws bottom out on hull connector. Hold
screw and, using torque wrench and 7/16 inch crow foot wrench, tighten nut (C) to 90 lb-in
(10 Nm).
Using 9/16 inch wrench, install nut (E) onto shaft (B).
Using 9/16 inch wrench to hold nut (E), use 9/16 inch wrench to install rod end (F) into
shaft (B). Using torque wrench and 9/16 inch crow foot, tighten rod end (F) to 192 lb-in
(21 Nm).
Position rod end (F) into clevis end (G) and, using 9/16 inch wrench, install screw (H)
through rod end (F) and clevis end (G). Using torque wrench and 9/16 inch socket, tighten
screw to 192 lb-in (21 Nm).
Adjust steering control (TM 5-5420-202-20).
End of Task