TM 5-5420-209-12(6) Untie bridge boats from end span and have boats return to launch site.Figure 2-21. Bridge Assembly Successive Bay Method (Sheet 1 of 4).(7) Bridge centerline crew should adjust ramp bay to allow desired grounding of ramp bay as follows:(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)Open hydraulic pump access covers (4).Set pump control levers (5) to PUMP position, open vent valves (6) and operate pump using pump handle(7).Raise ramp sufficiently to allow proper grounding.When ramp (3) is raised sufficiently, the bridge centerline crew pulls the bays shoreward, and tightens an-choring lines and lowers ramp bay.Set pump control levers (5) to traffic position; close vent valves (6), and close covers (4).NOTEWhen installing near shore end span use transporter to pull near shore end span an additional 10 ft (3m) onto shore to allow bridge closure.(8) Repeat Steps (1) through (7) for near shore end span.2-83
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