TM 5-5420-209-123637383940Table 4-2. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) for the Ramp Bay cont.IntervalWeeklyMonthlyMonthlyMonthlyMonthlyLocationItem toService/CheckHydraulicPumpsHinges andPinsHandlerailPosts and RopeLift Pockets andQuick ReleasePinApproachRampsItem To Be InspectedProcedureInspect pump well for evidence of oilaccumulation.Inspect hoses for compression, cuts orleakage.Inspect pump for leakage.Ensure directional lever and air vent functionproperly.Inspect bow to roadway ponton connectingelongation.NOTETo inspect the following itemsproperly, bay must beunfolded (on ground or inwater).Inspect posts for cracks at support base,cracks/elongation of bolt slots, broken ordeformed rope ring and frayed or stretchedrope.Ensure pin functions properly.Inspect pin for cracks and broken strands onretaining wire rope.Inspect pockets for cracks and broken welds.NOTERamps are secured byheadless pins, washers andcotter pins. Missing ordeformed retaining hardwaremay cause severe equipmentdamage.Inspect for cracks, ruptured seams, andbroken welds.Equipment Is NotReady/Available IfClass II or III leak. Ventor lever does notfunction properly.Any hinge cracked orelongation allows pintomove freely.Handrail posts and ropemissing.Ramp retaininghardware missing ordeformed.4-17ItemN o .hinge brackets and pins for cracks and
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