Table 4-2. Unit Prventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) for the Ramp Bay cont.LocationIntervalItem toItem To Be InspectedEquipment Is NotService/CheckReady/Available If13WeeklyTravel LatchInspect brackets, supports and pins for cracks,Cracks, broken weldsbroken welds and deformation.noted or deformationcauses binding.Inspect springs for deformation and stretching.Springs stretched.14WeeklyTravel LatchInspect brackets, shims and strike catches forBroken welds, binding orReceptaclecracks, broken welds, binding anddeformation preventsdeformation.engaging latch noted.15WeeklyCable GuideInspect for cracks, gouges, jagged protrusions,Eye cracked, elongatederosion or surface area and elongation of eye.more than 0.50 at upperarc or aluminum erodedto within .050.16WeeklyBridge LatchInspect brackets, supports and pins for cracks,Cracks, broken weldsbroken welds and deformation.noted or deformationcauses binding.Inspect springs for deformation and stretching.Springs stretched.17WeeklyLower LockInspect screw and threads for cracks, burrs,Screw will not extend orDrivenicks and deformation.retract drive pin properly.Inspect trunions, and drive pin for cracks.Cracks or broken weldsInspect cover bumpers and supports fornoted.broken welds and deformation.NOTEYokes are secured byheadless pins, flat washersand cotter pins. Ensure yokesare secured properly. Severeequipment failure or personnelinjury may result.18WeeklyMale yokeInspect for cracks, deformation and elongationCracks noted orof eye.deformation/elongationprevent properoperation.19WeeklyFemale YokeInspect for cracks, deformation and elongationCracks noted orof eye.deformation/elongationprevent properoperation.20WeeklyHydraulicEnsure cylinder functions properly inCylinder does notCylinderconjunction with hand pump.function properly.Inspect cylinder for leaks.Class II or Ill leak noted.Inspect lines and fittings for cracks,compression, and leakage.Class II or Ill leak noted.4-14TM 5-5420-209-12ItemNo.P r o c e d u re
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