TM 5-5420-209-12Table 4-2. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) for the Ramp Bay cont.ItemLocationNo.IntervalItem toItem To Be InspectedEquipment Is NotService/CheckProcedureReady/Available If21WeeklyHydraulic LineEnsure line is properly secured at support linkLine is not securedand to roadway ponton.properly.Inspect for cuts, chaffing and leakage andClass II or Ill leak noted.damp serviceability.22WeeklyUnfoldingEnsure unfolding mechanism functionsBroken welds noted orMechanismproperly.deformation preventsInspect cover plate, spring pins, pins, lever,mechanism fromand connecting link for cracks, broken weldsfunctioning properly.and deformation.23WeeklyBridge LatchInspect brackets, shims and strike catches forBroken welds, binding orReceptaclecracks, broken welds, binding anddeformation preventsdeformation.engaging latch noted.24WeeklySkin SurfaceInspect surface area for punctures, holes andAny damage whichdents exposing interior ribs.might allow water intobay interior (lf in doubt,perform soap bubbletest).Inspect seams for cracked/broken welds.Cracked/broken weldsnoted.25WeeklyTie Down PinInspect for cracks, broken welds and erosionBroken welds noted orof pin surface area.erosion of surface areaprevents securing bay totransporter.26WeeklySkin Surfacelnspect surface area for punctures, holes andAny damage whichdents exposing interior ribs.might allow water intobay interior (If in doubt,perform soap bubbletest).Inspect seams for cracked/broken welds.Cracked/broken weldsnoted.27WeeklyTie Down Pinlnspect for cracks, broken welds and erosionBroken welds noted orof pin surface area.erosion of surface areaprevents securing bay totransporter.28WeeklyBridge LatchInspect brackets, shims and strike catches forBroken welds, binding orReceptaclecracks, broken welds, binding anddeformation preventsdefomation.engaging latch noted.29WeeklyBridge LatchInspect brackets, supports and pins for cracks,Cracks, broken weldsbroken welds and deformations.noted or deformationcauses binding.Inspect springs for deformation and stretching.Springs stretched.4-15
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