TM 5-5420-209-12Table 2-11. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) for the Ramp Bay cont.LocationItemIntervalItem toItem To be InspectedEquipment Is NotNo.Service/CheckProcedureReady/Available IfNOTERamps are secured by pins,washers and cotter pins.Missing or deformed retaininghardware may cause severeequipment damage.43BeforeApproachInspect for cracks, ruptured seams, andRamp retainingRampsbroken welds.hardware missing ordeformed.44DuringTagline BarInspect for broken welds and deformation.NOTECable, when adjustedcorrectly, will be taut NOTtight.45DuringUnfolding Cable Inspect for kink, compression, flat surfaces,Cable kinked,and broken or frayed strands.compressed, flattened orstrands broken.46DuringUnfolding Cable Inspect for kinks, compression, flat surfaces,Cable kinked,and broken or frayed strands.compressed, flattened orstrands broken.NOTEEnsure latch and receptacleare adjusted properly (latch"T" rests snugly against strikecatch of correspondingreceptacle).47DuringBridge LatchInspect brackets, supports and pins for cracks.Cracks, broken weldsbroken welds and deformation.noted or deformationcauses binding.48DuringTravel LatchInspect springs for deformation and stretching.Springs stretched.Inspect brackets, supports and pins for cracks,Cracks, broken weldsbroken welds and deformation.noted or deformationcauses binding.Inspect spings for deformation and stretching.Springs stretched.49DuringBridge LatchInspect brackets, supports and pins for cracks,Cracks, broken weldsbroken welds and deformation.noted or deformationcauses binding.Inspect springs for deformation and stretching.Springs stretched.2-32
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