TM 5-5420-209-12During PMCS, ensure that all components and assemblies are correctly installed. Incorrectinstallation may cause additional equipment damage or failure.NOTEThis PMCS use the one-look format, beginning with the Roadside Bow Ponton (RBP) asviewed from the rear of transporter, clockwise.Remove rust and accumulated corrosion during PMCS. Corrosion not removed promptly willdegrade equipment performance.Refer to Section III and LO 5-5420-209-12 for lubrication of Ribbon Bridge items.Inspect all associated components on each item for structural damage and loose, broken or mis-sing hardware.Notify Unit Maintenance when noting any deficiency you are not authorized to correct.Table 2-11. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) for the Ramp Bay.LocationIntervalItem To be InspectedEquipment Is NotItem toProcedureReady/Available IfService/Check1BeforeHinges andInspect hinges and pins for cracks andAny hinge cracked.Pinselongation.NOTETo effectively perform thefollowing steps, bay should bedown loaded from transporter.2BeforeBridge LatchInspect brackets, shims and strike catches forBroken welds, binding orReceptaclecracks, broken welds, binding anddeformation prevents(RBP Rear)deformation.engaging latch noted.3BeforeTie Down PinInspect for cracks, broken welds and erosionBroken welds noted or(RBP Rear)of pin surface area.erosion of surface areaprevents securing bay totransporter.4BeforeSkin SurfaceInspect for punctures, cracks, tears, dents,Any damage which(RBP)holes and broken welds.allows water into baycavity.5BeforeTie Down PinInspect for cracks, broken welds and erosionBroken welds noted or(RBP Front)of pin surface area.erosion of surface areaprevents securing bay totransporter.6BeforeSkin SurfaceInspect for punctures, cracks, tears, dents,Any damage which(RBP Front)holes and broken welds.allows water into baycavity.7BeforeBridge LatchInspect brackets, shims and strike catches forBroken welds, binding orReceptaclecracks, broken welds, binding anddeformation prevents(RBP Front)deformation.engaging latch noted.2-27
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