ARMY TM 5-5420-212-10-1
MARINE CORPS TM 08676A-10/1-1
as to the proper conduct of a bridge boom or launch, ensuring to give all details about the commands and actions, hand
signals, and all safety items.
Bridge on RB or FRB and RRB.
Bridge is on locked roller beams. Bridge will be boomed by manpower or by vehicle which has been connected to
the bridge with a push bar.
Command: Prepare to boom.
Personnel will not use carrying bars to boom the bridge. Use of carrying bars can result In death
or Injury to personnel.
Action: Personnel. Personnel take positions at the sides of the bridge and roller beams. Personnel will
put hands only on the bridge, no carrying bars will be used. Personnel on roller locks will stand ready to
unlock rollers.
Command: Locks out.
Personnel are advised to use extreme caution during locking and unlocking of the rollers. Once
the rollers are locked or unlocked, move hands and arms from between the bridge and the
adjustable supports. Do not put hands or arms Into the area any more than necessary. Failure to
stay alert while operating locks can result in injury.
Action: Personnel. Personnel on roller locks will attempt to pull locks out. Personnel on locks are
assigned numbers as shown below and will provide responses to NCOIC by number when called to do
NCOIC. NCOIC will immediately call out numbers 1, 2, 3, & 4 one at a time.
Personnel. Numbered lock personnel will respond with their number and OUT or IN. If response
is IN they will identify direction bridge must be boomed to free lock, either TOWARD or AWAY
FROM the gap.
NCOIC. Upon receiving the report, the NCOIC will direct the personnel or vehicle operator to boom
the bridge in the appropriate direction. When directing the vehicle operator, the NCOIC will use
standard hand signals to ensure that the operator understands that the movement at this time is
only a very small movement of the bridge.