ARMY TM 5-5420-212-10-1
MARINE CORPS TM 08676A-10/1-1
BOOMING is movement of the bridge until the panel point given is over the RB (for SS) or RRB (for DS). Booming of
double story bridges by manpower alone is allowed until 9 bays have been assembled. At 9 bays, the weight of the bridge has
reached a point where booming by vehicle is required. The rule to follow is:
single story - 9 bays or more, boom by vehicle
double story - 9 bays or more, boom by vehicle
LAUNCHING is movement of the bridge until the panel point given is over the RB, FRB, or CRB.
Death or personal Injury can result If the bridge Is launched by hand. A launch vehicle is required to
prevent the bridge accelerating out of control. When a bridge Is to be launched or delaunched, a
vehicle must be used at all times.
When a bridge is to be launched/delaunched, a vehicle and push bar are used. Use a long push bar for all link
reinforced bridges and double story bridges over 13 bays long. Its greater length is needed during final launch to avoid
excessive steep angles between bankseat beam and push bar.
Connecting Push Bar Cross Girder to Panel
Hold push bar cross girder to pin jaws of bottom panel (DS) or top panel (SS).
Insert panel pins in girder from inside of girder, and push until pins are fully seated in jaws of bottom panel.
Do not put retainer clip through panel pins.
Connecting Push Bar Adapter and Push Bar
Move vehicle into position at rear of bridge.
Front of vehicle should be about 20 ft (6.1 m) from rear of bridge.
Ensure that vehicle is centered and straight with bridge.