ARMY TM 5-5420-212-10-1
MARINE CORPS TM 08676A-10/1-1
To boom the bridge to the given panel point:
Unlock rollers of both roller beams (para. 4-5e.). It may require the vehicle to move the bridge slightly
away from gap, then toward the gap to release all catches.
Move the vehicle forward slowly. Do not allow vehicle to drift right or left of centerline. Keep vehicle
straight and in line with bridge. Movement of bridge to right or left can cause damage to roller beams.
Do not use locks In rollers as a brake during booming. Wait until the bridge has stopped before
Inserting lock catches or bearing pads.
Stop boom of bridge at given panel point. Lock rollers. Movement of the bridge backwards and
forwards as described in step (1), may be required to lock all catches, or insert capsill bearing pads.
Disconnecting Push Bar
There are two alternative drills to disconnect the push bar:
Disconnect the push bar from the cross girder (or bankseat beam) and back vehicle straight back on the
centerline, carrying the end of the push bar while doing so. Then remove push bar cross girder from pin
jaws of top or bottom panel.
Disconnect push bar from vehicle, then disconnect the cross girder from the top or bottom panel. Three
personnel carry the push bar and cross girder assembly away from bridge in a convenient position for
next boom.
This paragraph describes the commands and actions required to boom or launch (includes boom during delaunch)
the bridge. The NCOIC of the bridge should provide instructions to the building party and vehicle operator