ARMY TM 5-5420-212-10-1
MARINE CORPS TM 08676A-10/1-1
Preparation for Disassembly
If pumps, hoses and water are available, the bridge and erection components should be washed before
loading them on pallets.
If washing cannot be done, the components are loaded directly onto the proper pallet.
Throughout bridge disassembly the NCOIC must monitor the height and level of roller beams. The
height must be set to achieve an acceptable working height. Roller beams must be level so that
components connect/disconnect properly.
Remove bridge classification signs, bridge guide markers and curbs (reverse of para. 4-26).
Remove far bank ramp units, removing center ramp first (reverse of para. 4-24).
Remove deck units (reverse of para. 4-25), starting on the far bank end of bridge. Leave a deck unit in
the third recess of bays 1, 7 and 11.
Add launching nose cross girder posts (para. 4-11b), then install launching nose cross girder onto posts
at required height (para. 4-11c).
Remove near bank ramp units, removing center ramp first (reverse of para. 4-24).
Raise near bank end of bridge high enough to install front roller beam (FRB), using jacks, davits or
Lower bridge onto packing.
Assemble front roller beam, and slide it under rear of bridge. Center front roller beam under bridge at
least 1.5 ft (0.5 m) from end of end taper panel.
Ensure front roller beam is over centerline of bridge. Center of front roller beam must be directly
over front roller beam peg.
Ensure front roller beam is at right angle (900) to centerline of bridge.
Lock rollers.
Operate jacks in roller beam until weight of bridge is on roller beam and off packing.
(10) Remove packing.
(11) Position roller beam at required height for delaunch. Use carpenters level to level roller beam.
(12) Assemble rear roller beam (RRB) and position over centerline approx 8 ft (2.4 m) from bankseat beam.