ARMY TM 5-5420-212-10-1
MARINE CORPS TM 08676A-10/1-1
(13) Move vehicle into position about 15 ft (4.6 m) from end of bridge. Ensure vehicle is in line with bridge
and centered over centerline.
(14) Connect vehicle to bridge with short push bar (para. 4-18c.).
The bridge will be held in position by the vehicle and locked rollers of roller beam during assembly
of launching nose.
(15) Connect launching nose roller to far bank bankseat beam (para. 4-10).
(16) Assemble launching nose (para. 4-14a.).
(17) Using landing roller pedestal, raise bridge off ground until jack is fully extended.
(18) Unlock front roller beam rollers.
The following cautions should be observed each time the bridge Is de- launched. Do not allow
vehicle to drift right or left of centerline. Keep vehicle straight and in line with bridge. Movement
of bridge to right or left can cause damage to roller beams.
(19) Delaunch bridge until Dp2 is over center of front roller beam.
(20) Do not disconnect vehicle from bridge.