ARMY TM 5-5420-212-10-1
MARINE CORPS TM 08676A-10/1-1
DISASSEMBLY - DOUBLE STORY - 2E + 12 BAY (Normal Site - Original Far Bank)
This paragraph provides only the additional or modified steps needed to disassemble the 2E + 12 bay MGB on the
original far bank. The operator must be familiar with, or refer to, the General Drills (Chapter 4) and Disassembly Double
Story 2E + 12 bay, near bank (para. 6-2).
The original far bank becomes the new near bank, and the original near bank becomes the new far
bank. Also the bays of the bridge must be renumbered from the new far bank. Using a 2E + 12
Bay as an example, what was bay 12 is now bay 1, and what was bay 1 is now bay 12.
All reference to near or far bank from this point will be referring to the new near bank and the new
far bank.
Move all launching nose components to the far bank, and all the roller beam components to near
bank. All pallets must be moved to near bank.
Perform steps a. (1) and (2) and b. (1) thru (5) in paragraph 62.
If bridge has been emplaced with minimum bearing under the original far bank (now near bank), it will be
necessary to "skid" the bridge to get 4.5 ft (1.4 m) over the bank so that front roller beam can be put
under it safely.
Raise near bank end of bridge and lower onto timbers. The surface of the timbers next to the
bridge girder must be wet or smeared with grease.
Assemble first three launching nose heavy sections.
Position landing roller pedestal next to far bank bankseat beam.
Raise landing roller pedestal until bridge is just clear of ground (approx. 11/2 in).
Using vehicle and push bar, slide the bridge over timbers and landing roller pedestal until 4.5 ft (1.4
m) is over near bank.
Lower landing roller pedestal and reposition until base of landing roller pedestal is within 9 in (23
cm) of bankseat beam.
Exceeding the V distance could cause damage to components.
Raise near bank end of bridge and position forward roller beam under bridge. Ensure V-distance is not