TM 5-5420-278-10
0019 00
0019 00-9
4. Site Layout Requirements Bridge and raft assembly sites require two
way access roads to areas for parking, preparation of equipment, and routing
of personnel and vehicle traffic. The type of bridge assembly method used will
determine the location of launch and bridging sites and the location of access
roads to them. Single or multi-launch sites are established depending on how
quickly the advancing forces are directed to make a river crossing. When
establishing a site layout, the following requirements must be met. (Refer to
WP 0019 00, figures 1 through 4 for example layouts, and table 2 for bridge
assembly requirements.)
a. A minimum river bank width of 15 ft (4.57 m) is required for maneuvering
the CBT at the launch site.
b. An unobstructed floating downstream area of 100 ft (30.50 m) is required
for bay assembly operations at a single launch site.
c. An unobstructed floating downstream area of 100 ft (30.50 m) is required
between individual launch sites at a multi-launch site.