TM 5-5420-278-10
0019 00
0019 00-4
The following vehicles have known bank height
limitations. Bank preparation prior to trafficking these
vehicles may be required.
Heavy Equipment Transporter (HET) M1070 and
M1000: Bank heights should not exceed 24 in. (0.6 m).
This is limited by the tractor-trailer combination being
limited to break-over/break-under angles of 15%.
Severe damage can occur to the trailer if trafficking
with bank heights higher than 24 in. (0.6 m) is
Abrams (M1) with Mine Clearing Blade (MCB): Bank
heights should not exceed 18 in. (0.46 m). This is
limited by clearance of the MCB with the bridge and
ramp deck. Severe damage can occur to the bridge or
ramp deck if trafficking with bank heights higher than
18 in. (0.46 m) is attempted.
Armor Vehicle Launched Bridge (AVLB): Bank heights
should not exceed 46 in. (1.16 m). This is limited by
clearance of the AVLBs bridge outrigger with the
bridge and ramp deck. Severe damage can occur to the
bridge or ramp deck if trafficking with bank heights
higher than 46 in. (1.16 m) is attempted.
Ovehicles with low far overhangs or terrain limitations
should be closely monitored and adjustments made to
bank heights as necessary.
Attempting to cross any vehicle above the
recommended bank height or 79 in. (2 m), whichever is
less, may result in damage to the bridge or ramp deck
or the crossing vehicle itself.
(5) The site should have a firm, stable bank with a slope of 11 degrees or
less, a water depth of at least 48 in. (102 cm), and a current velocity of
10 ft (3 m) per second or less to launch BEBs.
c. All bridge sites require the following characteristics:
Gravel and small rocks on roadway surface leading to
bridge can cause dents and punctures in bridge
roadway deck and can also become lodged in ramp and
interior bay unfolding mechanisms, causing jamming
during bay retrieval. If gravel or small rocks are
present at bridge site, either remove them or cover
them with topsoil or sand.
(1) The site should be located upstream from a raft site.
(2) The site should be located where there are established road networks
on both sides of the river.