This sequence requires pins and shootbolts to be operated as per a normal build
sequence. However, as the beam will only be extended one section, no action with
respect to the far bank support is required apart from partial deployment, DO NOT
EXTEND the far bank support.
Make sure parking brake is on and the vehicle is in neutral.
Make sure both the tail-lift pendant and the chest pack are fitted.
Ensure that the rotary switch is in position 4.
Connect one launch beam.
Extend the beam one section only and insert the final stop pin.
Operate the far bank carriage, move carriage one beam section and return.
Remove the launch beam pins, retrieve the launch beam, and place it on flat
rack and re-place the final stop pin in the launch fame.
Operate the crane stabilizer legs one complete cycle.
Operate the crane one for one complete cycle of all motions finishing in the
stowed position.
10 Manually operate articulator stowing free valve (clip SV16).
11 Extend the articulator cylinders fully.
12 Remove the pins and fully extend and retract the A-frame raise, once only
replace the pins in the lower position.
13 Unclip SV16.
14 Fully retract the articulator cylinder.
15 Deploy the tilt rollers.
16 Fully extend and retract the tilt roller cylinders one time only and then re-stow.
17 Refit the relax shootbolts.
18 Turn the rotary switch, in vehicle cab, to position 3, reverse the vehicle to close
the slide frame keeping pipe in drum.
19 Remove the chest pack.
20 Fully extend the A-frame legs, lower the A-frame onto the twist lock brackets,
and fully retract the legs and pin.
21 Release the A-frame rotate shootbolts, operate for one cycle, and finish in the
stowed position. Reinsert the A-frame rotate shootbolts.
22 Remove the A-frame folding pins, operate for one cycle, finish in the stowed
position replace pins.
23 Stow the far bank support.
24 Operate the tail-lift through one complete cycle of all motions, finish in the
stowed position.
25 Replace the oil return pipe, making sure it is clear of the cooling fan, clipping,
and tying it into place.