TM 5-5420-280-10
0001 00
Plastics, composites, and rubbers will also degrade. Their deterioration is caused
by exposure to heat, oxygen, solvents, or light (typically ultraviolet). An example is
deteriorated rubber weather stripping. Degradation from excessive exposure of
these elements can be seen in the form of shrinkage, hardening, cracks, and breaks.
If a corrosion problem is identified, it should be reported using SF 368, Product
Quality Deficiency Report. Use of key words such as corrosion, rust deterioration, or
cracking will
ensure that the
information is
identified as a CPC
SF 368 should be submitted to the address specified in DA PAM 750-8, The Army
Maintenance Management System (TAMMS) Users Manual.
The continued use of ODS has been prohibited by Executive Order 12856 of
3 August 1993. The use of ODS in Army equipment is prohibited. The bridge does
not contain or generate hazardous material. The pallet contains a diesel internal
Proper disposal of hazardous waste material is vital to protecting the
environment and providing a safe work environment. Materials such as batteries,
oils, and antifreeze must be disposed of in a safe and efficient manner.
The following references are provided as a means to ensure that proper disposal
methods are followed:
Technical Guide No. 126 (from the U.S. Army Environmental Hygiene Agency
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA)
Clean Air Act (CAA)
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act (EPCRA)
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)
Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)
The disposal of Army Petroleum, Oils, and Lubricants (POL) products are
affected by some of these regulations. State regulations also may apply to POL.
If you are unsure of which legislation affects you, contact state or local agencies
for regulations regarding proper disposal of Army POL.
The recommended method of rendering the REB useless is to destroy its coupling
mechanism using heavy tools, weapons fire, or explosive charges. Procedures for
destruction of Army materiel to prevent enemy use can be found in TM 750-244-6,
Procedures for Destruction of Tank-Automotive Equipment to Prevent Enemy Use.
0001 00-5