TM 5-5420-280-10
The Common Bridge Transporter (CBT) M1977 consists of a modified Heavy
Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck (HEMTT) M977 equipped with a Load Handling
System (LHS), which together are called the CBT or Transporter.
The Bridge is an aluminum welded structure consisting of two bridge halves
coupled together at the center. The bridge is light weight, corrosion resistant,
torsionally flexible, and strong enough to support MLC 30-wheeled and tracked
vehicles under normal crossing conditions. It can also support up to MLC
40-wheeled vehicles under a caution crossing.
The usable free span length of the coupled bridge is 42.6 ft (13 m) with a
maximum roadway width of 11 ft (3.4 m). A 2 in. (50 mm) high guard rail on the
inside of each deck plate is provided as a guide for vehicle wheel alignment during
bridge crossing. Each deck plate is 3 ft 11 in. (1.2 m) wide.
The bridge requires the use of the pallet and the Common Bridge Transporter
(CBT) for launch and retrieval operations. Launch or retrieval operations require
two soldiers, and each can be completed in 10 minutes or less.
The bridge has an anchoring system that may be installed at the discretion of the
bridge commander. Anchorage installation and removal time is in addition to launch
and retrieval times, and may vary depending on soil composition.
The Pallet is a separate removable flatrack that is loaded on the CBT by way of
the CBT's Load Handling System (LHS). The pallet contains components making up
a launcher, a hydraulic system, an electrical control system, a diesel engine power
unit, pallet support wheels, and four tool boxes for stowage of BII.
Should the pallet's launch power unit (LPU) malfunction, hydraulic and electrical
power is accomplished by connecting to the CBT. Launch or retrieval operations
using the CBT can be completed in approximately 10 minutes each. The pallet can
be transloaded to and from the Palletized Load System Trailer (PLST), but cannot
launch or retrieve the bridge from the PLST. The REB can be transported by C-130,
C-141, C17, or C-5 aircrafts or deployed bridge can be air lifted by CH-47D and
CH-53 helicopters.