TM 5-5420-280-10
0025 00
Never use starting fluid (ether) to assist starting LPU.
Failure to comply will result in damage to engine.
Do not set RCU on ground during freezing weather
conditions. RCU must remain in RCU stowage box until
working step L-4. Failure to comply may result in freeze-
up of RCU and possible damage to equipment.
If LPU engine will not crank or cranks slowly with pallet
main power switch ON, connect NATO slave cable form
CBT to pallet to assist starting LPU. At -25.6 F (-32 C),
pallet batteries must be jumped using NATO slave. Refer
If starting LPU engine at -15 F (-26 C) or below, ensure
engine is preheated for 2 minutes. If after 15 seconds of
cranking engine it fails to start, preheat engine for
1 additional minute, then crank engine again.
If using CBT back-up power to launch or retrieve bridge,
allow CBT engine to warm up for 10 minutes, then
engage PTO and run CBT engine at high idle for an
additional 10 minutes to warm up hydraulic oil.
If bridge will be launched or retrieved at -15 F to
-25.6 F (-26 C to -32 C), place pallet RCU in CBT cab
during warm-up operations and allow it to warm up for
approximately 10 minute.
5. Start LPU engine (refer to WP 0015 00), and warm up engine as required in
table 4.
If bridge will be launched or retrieved at -15 F to
-25.6 F (-26 C to -32 C), place pallet RCU in CBT cab
during warm-up operations and allow it to warm up for
approximately 10 minute.
7. If bypass valve was opened in step 2 above, close bypass valve (Refer to
WP 0007 00) and
allow LPU
engine to run an
additional 5
minutes to
warm-up pallet hydraulic system.
Refer to table 5, and perform steps 8 through 11 to warm-
up pallet main hydraulic manifold, rear pin wheel drive,
lower support boom lifting cylinders, and winch as required.
0025 00-4