TM 55-1945-205-24-4
0003 00 8
0003 00
The causeway extends from the beach seaward to the trident pierhead.
The causeway is made up of one or more intermediate sections and one combination beach/sea section interconnected
end-to-end to form a floating platform from the trident pierhead to the beach. The overall length is determined by
adding the total length of intermediate sections to the length of the combination beach/sea end section configuration
used. The overall width of the causeway is 24 ft wide.
The trident pierhead is located at the seaward end of the causeway.
The trident pierhead is a floating platform for loading and unloading ocean-going sealift vessels. The trident pierhead
consists of two sections: a floating platform which is made up of 10 intermediate modular sections that are assembled
by connecting two segments of 5 wide, making the overall dimensions of the trident pierhead 160 ft long by
120 ft wide, and a trident pierhead extension which is made up of 10 module strings, two segments of 5 wide
connected end to end run from the trident pierhead out to sea. This trident pierhead extension will be used by the
lighter vessels to moor to the floating causeway. The overall dimensions of the trident pierhead extension is
40 ft wide by 160 ft long. The trident pierhead is capable of supporting two M-1 Abrams tanks and one sealift
vessels cargo ramp foot on the platform surface. The trident pierhead will withstand cargo loading through
Sea State 2 conditions.