ARMY TM 5-5420-212-10-1
MARINE CORPS TM 08676A-10/1-1
Single and Double Story MGB
Firm and stable banks of about equal height. The difference in bank height cannot exceed 10% of the bridge
length, as the bridge is restricted to a 1 in 10 slope.
Link Reinforced MGB
Firm and stable banks of about equal height. The difference in bank height cannot exceed 5% of the bridge
length, as the bridge is restricted to a 1 in 20 slope
Banks at expected bearing points of bridge should have a Soil Bearing Capacity (SBC) of 2 tons per
square foot. Table 3-3 lists SBC of various types of soil.
TABLE 3-3 Soil bearing capacity
Soil Description
Bearing values
in tons per
square foot
Hardpan overlaying rock
Very compact sandy gravel
Loose gravel and sandy gravel, compact sand and gravelly sand; very compact sand-
inorganic silt soils
Hard dry consolidated clay
Loose course to medium sand, medium compact fine sand
Compact sand clay
Loose fine sand, medium compact sand-inorganic silt soils
Firm or stiff clay
Loose saturated sand-clay soils, medium soft clay
*Bridges constructed on this type of soil will require packing to cover a 3 ft (0.9 m) area under ETP to spread
weight of bridge. Watch settling during crossing of traffic, and increase packing if needed. Packing material required is 3
in x 8 in x 36 in lumber, and the height of packing will be the minimum necessary to keep ETPs from touching bank.
Size of Construction Site
Types of Sites
Normal - provides construction space that allows fast and easy construction.
Restricted - construction space is limited, and requires special construction procedures e.g. longer
launching nose, counterweights and more frequent booming of the bridge.
Assembly Site
Assembly site large enough for assembly of the bridge and wide enough for unloading and positioning of the
loaded bridge pallets. The desired size of the assembly site for the longest single story bridge is 160 ft wide x 80 ft long
(48.8 m x 24.4 m). The desired size for double story and link reinforced bridges is 160ft wide x 160 ft long (48.8 m x 48.8