ARMY TM 5-5420-212-10-1
MARINE CORPS TM 08676A-10/1-1
One person on each side of the pallet should pull toward the truck on the free ends of the bumper
assembly rope.
Drive truck forward letting pallet fall to ground.
(10) Disconnect extractor cable (if used) and drive truck away from building area.
Off-loading on Normal Sites
The procedures below should always be followed when off-loading on normal sites.
Ensure that the pallets are dropped so that they are never closer than 22 ft (6.7 m) to the center line.
Pallets should be off-loaded in the order in which they are needed for construction. For example, the pallet
containing the erection and launch components is always off-loaded first, to one side of centerline, near the
edge of the gap.
Use the dump trucks, or other unit vehicles as anchorages for off-loading trailers.
Drive trucks and trailers straight on and off site. Avoid backing them.
Disconnect trailers in an area clear of the site, and have trucks return for off-loading.
After dropping the erection load, this pallet can be unstrapped and the building frame erected. Then as
further pallets are dropped, they can be unstrapped ready for construction to maintain concurrent activity.
Do not use the bridge as an anchorage to off-load ramp and deck loads.