ARMY TM 5-5420-212-10-1
MARINE CORPS TM 08676A-10/1-1
Uncouple Trailer 2 and 4 at trailer dropping off area, then drive Trucks 2 and 4 onto site and reverse into
positions shown
Drive Trucks 1 and 3 with trailers onto site and reverse into positions shown. Unload ED and EOB one
loads using Trucks 2 and 4 as anchor points.
Drive Trucks 1 and 3 off site and unload trailers at the trailer dropping off area.
Drive Trucks 1 and 3 back on site and off-load their pallets - DSC, then drive off site and pick up Trailers
2 and 4.
Unload pallets on ground and use components to construct 6 bays of bridge. Place all components not
required at this time to sides as shown, and carry all empty pallets off site.