ARMY TM 5-5420-212-10-1
MARINE CORPS TM 08676A-10/1-1
Insert a panel pin in bottom panel jaws or lower jaws of junction panel. Shoulder of pin must be kept 1.75 in
(45 mm) from outer jaw.
Engage the jaws of the erection aid to the panel pin, ensuring that the safety gate is locked. The other end of
aid rests on ground.
Lift and place the front end of the top panel on the front cross bar of the erection aid, then slide the panel
forward until its rear jaws are seated at the back of the aid.
Lift the rear of the erection aid using two carrying bars in brackets on each side of leg. A third carrying bar
bracket is available if needed. Lift until panel engages the junction panel and the shootbolts can be engaged.
Disengage the erection aid by either, raising the safety gate and removing the aid, or supporting the front of
the aid and withdrawing the panel pin.
Bottom Panel to Top and Bottom Panels
Open the shootbolts in the top jaws of the bottom panel. This should be done before carrying the bottom
panel to the bridge, either while still on the pallet or on the ground beside the pallet.