ARMY TM 5-5420-212-10-1
MARINE CORPS TM 08676A-10/1-1
Place two end taper panels on the rear roller beam, with the front jaws positioned on the second cross
member from the FRB rollers.
All panel pins are Inserted from the outside of the bridge toward the inside, unless Instructed
Place guide (panel) pins into middle panel pin holes on bankseat beam.
On the left side of the bankseat beam, the jaw lug is inset from the side of the bankseat beam, so the
guide pin must extend out from the last jaw lug until the shoulder of the guide pin is in line with the side
of the bankseat beam.
On the right side of the bankseat beam, the jaw lug is flush with the side of the bankseat beam, so the
guide pin is inserted until the shoulder of the pin is touching the jaw.