ARMY TM 5-5420-212-10-1
MARINE CORPS TM 08676A-10/1-1
This paragraph provides the steps necessary to disassemble the Single Story - 5 Bay - MGB on the original near
bank. The bridge can be disassembled on the original far bank or near bank. If the bridge is to be disassembled on the
far bank, the erection equipment and launching nose parts must change sides.
Preparation for Disassembly
If pumps, hoses and water are available, bridge and erection components should be washed before
loading them onto pallets.
If washing is not possible, the parts are loaded directly onto the proper pallet.
Remove bridge classification signs.
Remove bridge guide markers (reverse of para. 4-26).
Remove all curbs (reverse of para. 4-26).
Remove ramp units on far bank, removing center ramp first (reverse of para. 4-24).
Remove all deck units. Start on far bank end of bridge (reverse of para. 4-25).
Remove ramp units on near bank, removing center ramp first (reverse of para. 4-24).
The near bank end of bridge Is always raised and placed on a roller beam BEFORE the far bank
end Is raised.
Jack up near bank end of bridge high enough to slide assembled roller beam under. Place packing
under girders as close to edge of gap as possible while bridge is being raised.
Lower bridge onto packing, remove jacks, and slide roller beam under end of bridge minimum 1.5 ft (0.5
m) from end. If minimum bearing is being used, position roller beam undercenter hole of bankseat
Ensure that roller beam is centered under bridge.
Ensure that roller beam is positioned at a right angle (900) to bridge.
Ensure that roller beam rollers are locked.