ARMY TM 5-5420-212-10-1
MARINE CORPS TM 08676A-10/1-1
This paragraph provides only the additional or modified steps needed to disassemble a link reinforced MGB on the
original far bank. The operator must be familiar with, or refer to, the General Drills (Chapter 4) and Disassemble 2E + 22
bay Link Reinforced Near Bank (para. 7-2).
The original far bank becomes the new near bank, the original near bank becomes the new far
bank. Also the bays of the bridge must be renumbered from the new far bank. Using a 2E + 22
Bay as an example, what was bay 22 is now bay 1, and what was bay 1 Is now bay 22.
All reference to near or far bank from this point will be referring to the new near bank and the new
far bank.
Move all launching nose components to the far bank, and all the roller beam components to the
near bank. All pallets must be moved to near bank.
When removing panels refer to paragraph 4-27a for removal of junction panel, and 4-27b and c for
removal of top and bottom panels.
If a bridge has been emplaced with minimum bearing on the original far bank (now near bank), it will be necessary
to skid the bridge to get 4.5 ft (1.4 m) over the bank so that ex FRB can be put under it safely. This will only apply to
bridges 13 to 21 bays long. A 22 bay link reinforced bridge will already have 5.3 ft (1.6 m) minimum bearing on the new
near bank.
Therefore, for 13 to 21 bay link reinforced bridges, skid the bridge as described in step a.(2) paragraph 63.
Disassembly, 22 Bay Link Reinforced
Throughout bridge disassembly the NCOIC must monitor the height and level of the roller beams.
The height must be set to achieve an acceptable working height. Roller beams must be level so
that components connect/disconnect properly.
Perform steps a.(1) and (2) and b.(1) thru (55) in paragraph 7-2.
Remove bays 22, 21, 20 and 19. Remove bottom panel 18.
For all boom/delaunches with the vehicle, before connecting the push bar cross girder and push
bar, ensure the last bottom panel top jaws are still located round the panel pin.
Boom bridge to 1p0 (over RRB). Do not lock rollers, do not disconnect vehicle.