ARMY TM 5-5420-212-10-1
MARINE CORPS TM 08676A-10/1-1
b. Double Story and Link Reinforced
The code system for double story and link reinforced bridges is the same as described in paragraph 4-2 a.,
but the junction and top panels at the ends of the bridge are lettered A, B and C (far bank end of bridge) and
D, E and F (near bank end of bridge). The panel points run down the junction panel to the bankseat beam.
Boom and Center of Gravity Marker.
Two carrying bars may be used by the NCOIC to act as a boom marker and center of gravity marker. The
bars are hung on the outside of the bridge in the top panel deck rail. The boom marker carrying bar should
be painted orange, and will mark the position of the next booming or launching point. The center of gravity
markercarrying bar should be painted blue, and will mark the center of gravity of the bridge during construction.
As construction continues, the center of gravity of the bridge will change, so before booming or launching, the
center of gravity marker must agree with the actual stage of construction reached.
The launching nose is coded in the build procedures and building tables as follows:
The light launching nose front, light launching nose rear, and first launching nose heavy (total length 30 ft)
are coded 1N1 The second launching nose heavy (1 Oft) is coded 2N1, the third 3N1 and so on.
When the nose configuration changes to two tier (double story), the first double story is coded 1N2, the
second 2N2 and the third 3N2.