ARMY TM 5-5420-212-10-1
MARINE CORPS TM 08676A-10/1-1
During construction constant checks should be made to ensure both roller beams and capsill
roller beam are level. This will ease connection of bankseat beam to end taper panel and ensure
pins can be Inserted.
To complete the end of bridge it may be necessary to reduce the girder toe in and to level the end of bridge. This
is a result of the roller beams not being level, the following is an example:
(12) Hold a piece of string across the same point of top panels.
(13) Check gaps at points dl and d2. These gaps must be the same before girders are considered level.
(14) To adjust the gaps at dl and d2:
To increase gap at dl, lower rear roller beam or raise forward roller beam on that side of bridge.
To decrease gap at d2, raise rear roller beam or lower forward roller beam on that side of bridge.
(15) When dl and d2 are equal, the girders are considered level enough to complete the end of bridge for bridges
up to 12 bays.
The Big U method of completing the end of bridge requires a total lift of 1330lb waist high and
walk with it. Caution should be used if this method Is chosen.
There are two methods of completing the end of bridge. One is called the Big U, the other is
simply piece by piece. The method chosen Is determined by the NCOIC. For Big U see step (16)
(a) to (i). For piece by piece, see step (17) (a) to (h).
(16) To complete end of bridge using Big U method:
Place two pieces of packing about 6 ft (1.8 m) apart, 10 ft (3.0 m) from rear of end taper panels.