ARMY TM 5-5420-212-10-1
MARINE CORPS TM 08676A-10/1-1
With all personnel, lift end taper panels and bankseat beam until guide pins seat in slots of end taper
Once this panel pin has started Into pin jaws of end taper panel and bankseat beam, DO NOT
REMOVE IT, unless the presence of dirt or other debris prevents the pin from being fully seated.
Leaving the pin part way in will allow the work party to take a slight break and to get a new hold on
their carrying bars.
Insert panel pin in outer pin hole of bankseat beam and end taper panel.
Do not put retainer clip through the panel pin, it is not required.
Let end of bridge down.
Connect sway brace from rear of end taper panel to center of other end taper panel. Add another sway
brace from center of same end taper panel to bankseat beam.