ARMY TM 5-5420-212-10-1
MARINE CORPS TM 08676A-10/1-1
Place a panel pin through the nose roller and launching nose to prevent nose from rolling.
Hold rear of nose and unpin nose cross girder.
Re-pin the nose cross girder in the next hole.
Continue this drill (4) and (5) until the correct setting is reached.
Put retainer clips in captive pins.
Remove pin through nose roller and boom to final position.
Insert panel pin through nose roller and anchorage tube at center of last but one nose unit.
(10) Put retainer clip through end of panel pin.
Single Story 1 thru 8 Bay
The launching system for single story bridges up to 8 bays consists of the light launching nose (LLN) front and rear
connected to the bankseat beam. When the LLN is to be connected to the bankseat beam, the bankseat beam will be on
building pedestals, 9 ft behind the roller beam.
Use a launching nose pin to pin the front and rear sections of the light launching nose together.
Put a retainer clip through end of nose pin.