ARMY TM 5-5420-212-10-1
MARINE CORPS TM 08676A-10/1-1
(13) Continue until the launching nose is complete, then finally secure with panel pin through anchorage tube of next
to last nose and nose roller.
(14) Put retainer clip through end of panel pin.
Link Reinforced 2E + 18 thru 2E + 22 and Double Story w/o Link 2E + 19 thru 2E + 22
The launching nose configuration for these bridges is 6N1 + 3N2, which means the last three sections of heavy
launching nose are double story. The drill for the double story section of the launching nose is as follows.
Assemble the launching nose as normal up to 6N1, but place a landing roller pedestal Mk 2 and a 20 ton jack on
the junction of the light nose front and light nose rear.
Connect first lower double story nose section (1N2) to 6N1. DO NOT boom nose at this time.
Place two top panels (or four deck units) on ground to each side of first nose section. Carrying crews will use
these to step up on so they will be able to lift second nose section high enough.