ARMY TM 5-5420-212-10-1
MARINE CORPS TM 08676A-10/1-1
Remove nose sections that have passed landing roller pedestal observing the 5ft (1.5m) minimum distance.
Leave the last three nose sections in place. These will be removed after far bank end of bridge has been
lowered to the ground.
When far bank end of bridge has been lowered to ground, reposition landing roller pedestal so center of roller is 8
ft (2.4 m) from nose roller. This will enable last three nose sections to be removed.
Raise landing roller pedestal until roller touches bottom of launching nose.
Remove panel pin from nose roller and, with one person on launching nose cross girder to lift gravity catch, four
personnel pull nose sections away from gap.
Pull nose sections until junction of second and third nose sections is in front of the nose roller.
Place panel pin through the nose roller behind the first vertical of the launching nose, then remove the first nose
Remove the panel pin from the nose roller and pull the last two nose sections until the nose pin has passed the
landing roller.
Replace the panel pin through the nose roller and behind the last vertical of the launching nose. One person
steady the last nose and push it against the pin while the second nose section is removed.
Remove the panel pin and last nose section.
Bridges with a Double Story Nose.
These bridges have a double story launching nose configuration for the last three sections of nose.
Remove all single story nose as normal.