Lower the boom of the crane until the lifting sling goes slack allowing the resilient
mounting to align the pin holes.
Insert the bridge pins (the outside pins are fitted from the outside in and the two inside
pins are fitted from the inside out, so that the R clips are fitted inside the bridge) and clip.
Figure 3. 43 Method of Pinning Ramp and Bridging Modules Together
3.10.4 Connecting Modules Where
the Jaws Contact First
It should be noted that the parallel modules are interchangeable and reversible when
connecting to each other and ramp modules.
To connect a bridge module to another bridge module follow the procedure below:
When connecting bridge modules together they will invariably be orientated away from the
level due to the angle of the launch beam.
Sling the bridge module towards the bridge module installed on the launcher, align the
birds beaks. Use the tag lines to control the position of the bridge module.
Figure 3. 44 Sling Bridge Module and Align the Birds Beaks
Rotate the bridge module by extending the jib on the crane so that the dowels and their
respective location holes engage.