TM 55-1945-205-10-40015 00 100015 008.Install mooring bitts, as required. (WP 0017 00)9.Maneuver and assemble trident pierhead/extension and causeway, with beach/sea end toward the shore line, together end to end using warping tugs, ropes/line, flush turn tubes and lift lugs so the tapered surfaces of male and female shear connectors mate together in general alignment.INSERTING CAUSEWAY IN SEGMENTS&,21Surf conditions and swells are independent of open water Sea State conditions. If wave height exceed five foot swells, operations should be curtailed. If the surf conditions sustained five foot swells for an extended period of time, the FC should be towed to a safe harbor. Failure to comply could result in equipment damage.127(Causeway sections may be off-loaded and assembled into causeway segments in lengths less than the total length of the causeway.The first causeway segment to be inserted on the beach (the shore end) should be a minimum of five sections long. The more gentle the bottom gradient, the greater the length of the causeway segment needed, allowing enough depth of water at the offshore end for the SLWT to operate. The table below dictates minimum lengths of causeway segments for beaching. The shorter the causeway, the easier it will be to control and steer with the warping tug. For segments over four sections, one or two additional tender craft may be required to steer the front end. Beaching of the causeway should be timed to be at high tide. Beaching at other than high tide can require extensive relocation and adjustments of the anchor and mooring lines as the tide rises.Ensure mooring lines are faked out on deck before beaching.1.Insert causeway using warping tugs. TR ID E N TP IE R H E A DE X T E N S IO NC A U S E W A YTR ID E N TP IE R H E A D
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