TM 55-1945-205-10-40015 00 110015 002.Connect follow-on segments, as required, seaward from the initial segment until the designed causeway length is achieved. BEACHING CAUSEWAY 1.Beaching FC on a virgin beach.a.Two WT secured on each side of FC last section, and operating under full power, beach/stab the FC into the designated landing point on the beach.b.Using onshore anchor mooring lines the bulldozers, aided by the WTs pushing, pull the FC further into the beach until approximately one half of first FC section is above the high water line. B O T T O MSLO PEN U M B E RC AUSEW AYSECTIO NS1:851:1051:1251:1451:1651:1851:2051:2251:245567789101112Minim um Number of Causeway Sectionsfor Initial Beaching
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