TM 5-5420-209-12Table 2-10. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) for the Transporter cont.LocationIntervalItem To be InspectedEquipment Is NotItem toProcedureReady/Available IfService/Check8BeforeSelector ValveCheck valve operation. (Should engage winchValve does not engageAssemblyselected).winch selected.(M945)Inspect valve for cracks, leakage, and loose,Class II or III leak noted.broken or missing hardware.9BeforeCrowbar andInspect crowbar for deformation and cracks.HolderInspect holder for cracks and broken welds atbase.10BeforeCab ProtectorInspect wire grids and frame for broken weldsDefect presentsand jagged protrusions.personnel or equipmenthazard.11BeforeLight, MarkerCheck amber clearance light and blackoutand Reflectormarker operation.Inspect reflector, lenses and housing forcracks, loose, broken or missing hardware.Inspect wiring and connectors for cracks orbare wires.12BeforeWalkwayInspect walkway for cracks, holes, brokenDefect presents(Front)welds and jagged protrusions.personnel or equipmenthazard.13BeforeTire Carrier and Check tire inflation pressure. (Should be 50TirePSI).Inspect pawl and shaft for cracks anddeformation and loose, broken or missinghardware.Check carrier release. (Should lower tire andrim easily).Inspect wire rope for kinks and broken strands.14BeforeBay RollerCheck roller rotation. (Should rotate freely).AssemblyInspect roller for gouges, nicks, and cuts toRoller damages bay.surface area and loose, broken, or missinghardware.15BeforeWalkwayInspect walkway for cracks, holes, brokenDefect presentswelds and jagged protrusions.personnel or equipmenthazard.16BeforeBogie Lock andInspect rubber bumper and metal bracket forBracketcracks, deformation, dry rot, and loose brokenor missing hardware.17BeforeBoathookInspect for broken, cracked handle or tip.2-21ItemN o .
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