TM 5-5420-209-12Table 2-10. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) for the Transporter cont.LocationIntervalItem To be InspectedEquipment Is NotItem toProcedureReady/Available IfService/Check35BeforeFuel Tank,Inspect brackets for broken welds at joints.Either strap loose or hasSending Unitbroken welds.and BracketsInspect sending unit for broken, bare or looseAny fuel leakage noted.wires and leaking, compressed or crackedlines.Inspect tank for leaks.Any fuel leakage noted.36BeforeWalkwayInspect walkway for cracks, holes, brokenDefect presents(Front)welds and jagged protrusions.personnel or equipmenthazard.37BeforeLight, MarkerCheck amber clearance light and blackoutand Reflectormarker operation.Inspect reflector, lenses and housings forcracks, loose, broken or missing hardware.Inspect wiring and connectors for cracks orbare wires.38BeforeCab StepInspect for cracks, broken welds and jaggedExtensionprotrusions.39BeforeCab Data/inspect for torn, secure, or illegible plates.InformationPlates40BeforeMirrorCheck mirror configuration. (Should be dualAssemblyhighway type).Inspect mirrors for cracks and broken glass.Inspect brace, bracket and support arm forcracks, broken welds, deformation and loose,broken, or missing hardware.41BeforeTransporterInspect for broken welds and deformation.Step42BeforeCab ProtectorInspect wire grids and frame for broken weldsDefect presentsand jagged protrusions.personnel or equipmenthazard.43BeforeBay WrenchInspect for broken welds at "T" and elongationof socket.44BeforeCab SupportInspect for cracks and holes.Any rib eroded moreBracketNOTEthan 50%.Bracket welds at top and basemust be carefully inspected. Ifin doubt, notify unitmaintenance.2-24ItemN o .
Integrated Publishing, Inc. - A (SDVOSB) Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business