TM 5-5420-209-12Table 2-10. OperatorPreventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) for the Transporter cont.ItemNo.53545556575859IntervalBeforeBeforeBeforeBeforeBeforeDuringAfterLocationItem toService/CheckWinch (Rear)Hydraulic Linesand ClampsCableTensionerAssembly(M945)HydraulicReservoirGear Pump andLinkageLockingCylinderRibbon BridgeComponentsItem To be InspectedProcedureCheck winch operation. (Should pay out andplay in cable easily).Inspect winch for leaks and loose, broken ormissing hardware.Inspect hoses for compression and leakage.NOTEBoom Pivot Assembly consistsof round tube, butt plates andsaddle. Pay particularattention to tube and butt platewelds.Inspect lines for compression, cracks, andleakage.Inspect clamps and rubber grommets for dryrot and deformation.Check tensioner operation. (Should pay out orplay in winch cable without binding or kinks).Inspect for leakage and loose, broken ormissing hardware.NOTECorrect reservoir fluid level iswith fluid visible at HIGH markon sight gage with boom inhorizontal position.Inspect reservoir for leaks and proper fluidlevel.Inspect lines for compression, cracks orleakage.Check operation. (Should engage rear wincheasily).Inspect pump for leakage.Inspect linkage for deformation.Check cylinder operation. (Should engagefront support bracket eye hole easily).After operation, clean all dirt, mud, and debrisfrom ribbon bridge components and lubricatein accordance with LO 5-5420-209-12.Equipment Is NotReady/Available IfWinch does not operateproperly.Class II or III leak noted.Class II or III leak noted.Class II or III leak noted.Tensioner does notfunction properly.Class II or III leak noted.Class II or III leak noted.Class II or III leak noted.Pump does not functionproperly.Class II or III leak noted.Linkage deformed.Cylinder does notextend or retract.2-26
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