ARMY TM 5-5420-212-10-1
MARINE CORPS TM 08676A-10/1-1
Link Reinforced Bridges.
Perform steps (1) to (10) above.
Move landing roller pedestal toward bankseat beam until base of landing roller pedestal is 12 ft (3.7 m) from A
peg. Ensure landing roller pedestal is centered under launching nose.
Add second story nose if required and as many nose sections (heavy and light) as possible. Do not move
launching nose into launching nose cross girder.
When the landing roller pedestal is to be set up (para. 4-15a.) or recovered (para. 4-15c.), the bridge CG will be over
the FRB (or CRB).The landing roller, landing roller pedestal, jack, jack handle and two pieces of timber packing are secured on
the light launching nose with a cargo tie-down strap. The drill for setting up the landing roller pedestal follows, but care must
be taken to ensure the stability of the landing roller pedestal in various conditions shown in paragraph 4-15b.
Setting Up Landing Roller Pedestal
With CG over the FRB, raise rear end of bridge, under control, until nose touches far bank.
Hold rear of bridge steady and far bank crew crosses to far bank with packing and carrying bars. Amount of
packing is determined by NCOIC
Remove cargo tie-down strap.
Remove landing roller pedestal from launching nose and when landing roller pedestal and personnel are clear,
lower rear of bridge back onto building pedestals.
Place fully extended jack on tilting platform in base of landing roller pedestal and lower jack hood onto head of
jack. Place landing roller on landing roller pedestal with its baseplate under cleat.