ARMY TM 5-5420-212-10-1
MARINE CORPS TM 08676A-10/1-1
If there is a side load from bridge launched in wind speed over 30 mph (13.5 m/s):
Action - Provide tackles to restrain tail of bridge in early stages of launch.
If there are very soft ground conditions:
Action - Use grillage stores under landing roller pedestal for packing.
Recover Landing Roller Pedestal
The procedure to recover the landing roller pedestal from the far bank during disassembly is described below. The
bridge will have been de-launched until the CG is over the FRB or CRB and it is at this point the landing roller pedestal is to be
Hold rear of bridge down on roller beams.
Lower jack in landing roller pedestal. Remove landing roller pedestal from under launching nose and remove
Place jack and jack handle into closed landing roller pedestal.
Raise rear of bridge to put tip of light launching nose on far bank.
Place landing roller pedestal on to light launching nose front, with edge of LRP next to the junction of the light
nose front and the light nose rear.
Secure with cargo tie-down strap.
Far bank crew returns to near bank.
When these components are ready for fitting the initial site layout is complete with the link components positioned
ready for assembly to the bridge.