ARMY TM 5-5420-212-10-1
MARINE CORPS TM 08676A-10/1-1
The following cautions should be observed each time the bridge is boomed. Do not allow vehicle
to drift right or left of centerline. Keep vehicle straight and in line with bridge. Movement of
bridge to right or left can cause damage to roller beams.
Throughout the build the bridge is boomed using a vehicle, push bar and push bar cross girder
(para. 4-18) which must be disconnected before further bays are added. To simplify the following
procedures these drills are described "connect push bar" and "disconnect push bar."
Connect push bar. Unlock rollers. Boom bridge to panel point 2p4 (over RRB). Lock rollers and
disconnect push bar.
Add bays 7, 8 and 9 including sway braces. Add deck unit in third recess of bay 7.
Connect push bar. Unlock rollers. Boom bridge to panel point 4p2 (over RRB). Lock rollers and
disconnect push bar.
Add bays 10, 11, 12 and 13, including sway braces. Place one deck unit in the third recess of bay 11 to
keep the bridge girders correctly spaced.
Connect push bar. Unlock rollers. Boom bridge to panel point 1p0 (over RRB). During this boom the
front bankseat beam will approach capsill roller beam. Boom bridge as follows:
Boom bridge until bankseat beam is within 1 ft (0.3 m) of capsill roller beam. Stop boom but do not
lock rollers. Vehicle is holding bridge.
Adjust height of capsill roller beam to slightly below leading edge of taper panel. Do not remove
support pins.
Unlock rollers in capsill roller beam.
Continue to boom slowly, watching end of bridge as it passes over capsill roller beam.
Ensure capsill roller beam is level under bridge and square with end of bridge. Align capsill roller
beam under exact same point on both sides of bridge.
When raising capsill roller beam never position jack seat higher than 3rd pin hole. Placing jack
seat higher than 3rd pin hole could result in roller beam lifting out of adjustable supports.
Raise capsill roller beam until there is full bridge contact.